Sit Up Straight: 1

Something had gone wrong. For weeks Zina had been sullen, snarky, snapping back at Lilia, a constant storm cloud over her head. Yesterday, they got into a fight because Lilia asked Zina why she insisted on leaving the house looking like a swamp monster. 

“Sit up straight,” Lilia barked. “Have you looked in the mirror lately? You’ve been wearing that shirt for three days. And your hair —” 

Without any warning, Zina picked up a loaf of bread and threw it at Lilia. Lilia, of course, exploded. 

Now, all of a sudden, Lilia understood why her daughter was acting like this. It came to her in a single vision that made her spill the coffee she was pouring and all the columns around her shook. 


Sit Up Straight II: Lilia’s Vision